Being the largest social media, Facebook become one way to connect on different people all over the world. With just a click on friend request, you can be connected to hundreds or even thousands of Facebook users. With this reasons, there are possibilities that you will receive more and more friends request. Accepting friend request is easy, but if its more than a hundred then this can be a problem. If you want to accept friend multiple friends request, just follow the steps below.
Go to Facebook Confirm Requests page (
Make sure all friends request you want to accept is visible on your browser. You can increase the number of friends to accept by clicking the Show More.
Remove the URL on your browser and type javascript: then paste the code below.
for( i = 0;i<document.getElementsByName('actions[accept]').length;i++){document.getElementsByName('actions[accept]')[i].click();}void(0);
It is important to manually type the javascript: since most browser remove it if you paste it directly.
So the final URL on the browser must be
So the final URL on the browser must be
javascript: for( i = 0;i<document.getElementsByName('actions[accept]').length;i++){document.getElementsByName('actions[accept]')[i].click();}void(0);
Thats it! Now you can easily accept multiple friend request.