Stop button in visual basic application is very standard when you want to immediately close your project run time. But if you can't close your project during run time because the stop button is not functioning then this is a big problem!
Just imagine, you code for an hour and you forgot to click the Save Button before running your program to see the output but what you will see is unending loops that can't be stop or cause you VB 6 application to respond to your request. This problem is always bugging as many times in our development so I decided to search for the solution and I didn't thought that Force Break is also available to VB 6.0 by pressing Ctrl+Break.
Just imagine, you code for an hour and you forgot to click the Save Button before running your program to see the output but what you will see is unending loops that can't be stop or cause you VB 6 application to respond to your request. This problem is always bugging as many times in our development so I decided to search for the solution and I didn't thought that Force Break is also available to VB 6.0 by pressing Ctrl+Break.