Programming can be sometimes stressful, you will always deal problems you're not familiar with However, no matter how hard the problem is, the stress will be change to excitement and happiness once you solved problems.
Most good programmers do programming not because they expect to get
paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program. -
Linus Torvalds
2. Programmers are in the enviable position of not only getting to do what they want to, but because the end result is so important they get paid to do it. There are other professions like that, but not that many. -
Linus Torvalds
3. It is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC: as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration. - Edsger Dijkstra
4. Few companies that installed computers to reduce the employment of clerks have realized their expectations... They now need more, and more expensive clerks even though they call them 'operators' or 'programmers.' - Peter Drucker
5. Our job as the game creators or developers - the programmers, artists, and whatnot - is that we have to kind of put ourselves in the user's shoes. We try to see what they're seeing, and then make it, and support what we think they might think. - Shigeru Miyamoto